2013/2018 Mercedes G63 6X6 AMG…
Le temps s’écoule tranquillement… et avec lui, les futilités de la vie présentées par les consuméristes comme des évènements planétaires incontournables, m’apparaissent de plus en plus insupportables…
La zapette n’existe pas encore dans le quotidien des réalités humaines.
En complément de programme, mes rendez-vous hebdomadaires avec les aventuriers de l’automobile, sont d’incontournables rituels et l’occasion de réceptions mondaines à la réputation grandissante, spectacles de gladiateurs modernes admirablement couverts par divers articles “indispensables” sous peine de perdre des points d’audience, dont je n’ai plus rien à f…
Bienheureusement j’ai l’esprit débarrassé de toutes ces pitreries depuis que j’ai accédé au nirvana suprême de la félicité assistée : je jouis en effet de ma retraite méritée après une vie à courir les inutilités, à fuir les malfaisants et à souligner, avec mes articles au vitriol, les abjections les plus viles de l’humain dans sa quête de destruction…
Parmi mes invités, beaucoup sont en vacances dans des contrées lointaines, d’autres sont à l’ombre (ou vont y aller)… et il en reste quelques-uns qui persévèrent à se présenter régulièrement à ma porte, espérant combler quelques lacunes…, l’occasion pour moi de faire des pauses dans le défrichage de l’inhumanité, moments toujours pénibles où il s’agit d’écrire en termes aussi délicat que possible, tout le manque d’intérêt et le déplaisir que j’ai pris à les fréquenter.
C’est toujours difficile de voir l’ombre d’une petite déception fugace voiler le regard de celui qui cherche à me faire partager son enthousiasme, mais rien n’y fait : ce qui me parait insipide et sans aucun intérêt ne m’en paraît pas moins terne et superficiel.
Il y a quelques jours, j’étais pourtant disposé à faire de vaillants efforts pour entrer (à nouveau, mais provisoirement malgré-tout) dans cet univers où les adolescents s’expriment comme des personnes âgées…, mais l’excessif de cette tâche sans intérêt, adjoint à la vacuité assumée des personnages, m’a assommé…
Mais je ne vais pas mettre la charrue avant les bœufs, je recommence par le commencement, avec la re-présentation (fort coûteuse) du Mercedes G63 6×6…
Mercedes a été fort aimable de m’inviter à Dubaï ou je passe souvent mon temps, sous le pseudonyme de “Mr X”…, dans le but de découvrir des lingots d’or sous les sabots des dromadaires, également appelé chameaux d’Arabie, (Camelus dromedarius), une espèce de mammifères domestiques de la famille des camélidés…
Pour cette raison, il n’est pas erroné de qualifier un dromadaire de “chameau”, mais seulement imprécis puisque la seule différence avec l’animal usuellement appelé “chameau” (Camelus bactrianus et Camelus ferus) est que le dromadaire ne possède qu’une seule bosse apparente.
Le Mercedes G63 6X6 est, depuis quelques brèves années, le type de voiture que les mondaines urbaines hyper-friquées aiment utiliser pour organiser diverses hyper-razzia locales dans les boutiques hyper-chic et hyper-chères !
C’est également l’engin idéal qui peut être utilisé par les chefs (anciens, actuels et futurs dictateurs) de quelques petites tribus inconnues quelque part dans les coins reculés du monde, pour créer une nouvelle nation, la benne étant idéale pour y positionner un canon…, les “petits” Toyota se contentant d’une mitrailleuse lourde.
It’s gloriously ridiculous (C’est glorieusement ridicule)…
Franchement, ça devient un peu ennuyeux tout ça !
C’est pourtant par là que le tout nouveau G63 6×6 a directement montré ses capacités à entrer dans le grand “JE” des chefs…et dans le jeu des “besoins” de tuer les autres…
Il est même en mesure d’escalader le mont Everest dans un confort total…, de conduire un groupe de quatre personnes de la Chine à la Lettonie en faisant un détour par l’Afrique du sud, sans souci…, sauf celui de terrifier les indigènes.
Toutefois, chers ploucs, qui peinez dans votre vie absurde à rembourser vos crédits…, vous aurez peut-être l’occasion d’en voir un dans son habitat naturel (la ville), franchissant les flaques d’eau profondes des jours de pluie dans les quartiers chics de Paris, Bruxelles, Londres et Moscou…, transportant dans la benne-pick-up en bambou poli, quelques boîtes de Prada, Louboutin, Chanel et Vuitton… de divers pédants et arrogantes !
Faire du neuf avec du vieux, c’est leur devise (surtout les femmes qui ne savent plus comment dépenser leurs nombreuses pensions alimentaires si ce n’est en chirurgies inesthétiques)…, mais c’est aussi la devise de Mercedes !
38 ans après son lancement le Mercedes classe G en est là, lui aussi…, l’ami Marcel (Lieutenant Colonel Pirotte au rapport) a publié un article le concernant qui est à coté de celui-ci.
Il n’a que très peu évolué esthétiquement (Le Mercedes “G”, pas Marcel, ni son texte), mais pour lui donner de nouveaux souffles la marque à l’étoile n’a eu de cesse de surprendre via diverses opérations.
C’est avec ce 6×6 qui équipe l’armée australienne en version basique, que AMG s’est attaqué une nouvelle fois aux gens du beau-linge, en y greffant bizarrement son “petit” moteur…, par opposition au V12 et ses 1000 Nm, qui aurait été en meilleure adéquation afin de subjuguer les ahuris !
Le résultat ?
Un monstre, ni plus, ni moins.
Vous pensiez qu’en 38 ans tout avait déjà été fait en matière de préparation pour rendre le furieux Classe G encore plus brutal ?
Pesant près de 3,8 tonnes pour 6 mètres de long… et une largeur augmentée de 22 cm, il est doté du petit V8 de 5,5 litres développant 544 chevaux et 760 Nm de couple.
Équipé de la boîte automatique 7G-tronic à sept rapports, il se voit équipé de cinq différentiels autobloquants permettant de bloquer (c’est le but !) à 100% l’ensemble des 6 roues, ce qui signifie concrètement que l’ensemble du couple peut être disponible sur chaque roue… de quoi monter aux arbres en quelque sorte…, de plus, la garde au sol de ce jouet grandeur nature est de 459 mm, tandis que l’angle d’approche est de 52 degrés.
Il était déjà difficile de classifier le Classe G de Mercedes-Benz, maintenant ça va être pire…
Est-ce un tout-terrain pur et dur ou plutôt un SUV/VUS luxueux destiné aux plus nantis de ce monde ?
La vérité, c’est que le G, en 4X4, est déjà un objet de luxe que certaines gens (qui vous ignorent), utilisent dans les grands centres pour affirmer leur statut social, mais est également un redoutable véhicule hors route.
Le constructeur allemand n’avait pas vraiment besoin d’en rajouter…, pourtant, c’est exactement ce qu’il a fait en boulonnant un essieu supplémentaire en plus d’une “boîte-pick-up” de chargement à l’arrière de son G.
Il a des capacités hors route qui font rêver, même de nos jours… et peut (sans doute) faire face à tout ce qu’on lui demande, sur route, dans les dunes de sable et les montagnes.
J’aime cette chose…
Pour être sérieux un moment, cette chose semble incroyable.
Mercedes en construit environ 20 à 30, chaque année, au prix de… quelque part… autour de 550.000 €uros + taxes, frais divers et inquisition fiscale garantie.
Si vous en voulez un, vous feriez mieux de faire la queue comme les membres de la famille royale de Dubaï et autres célébrités…, vous aurez peut-être l’occasion de vous retrouver derrière Paris Hilton…, la position en levrette est sa préférée !
Il est toujours bon de revenir sur de petits classiques pour voir comment ils/elles ont vieilli… et nous aussi (putain, c’est beau)…, remettant au goût du jour les aventures exotiques ! (phrase au sens double, qui aurait aussi été plus courte si je ne m’étais pas engouffré dans cette parenthèse)…
Mercedes a d’abord construit deux véhicules à titre de show car…, conçus à Graz, en Autriche chez Steir-Puch… et l’accueil enthousiaste du public fortuné convié, que vous imaginez plus réceptif à Dubai qu’à Ménilmontant…, a déterminé si la firme à l’étoile pouvait le produire ou non en petite série…, ce fut : Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !
Doté de 6 roues, avec des pneus de 37 pouces (!) qui le font culminer à 2,30 m de haut, le G 63 AMG utilise le même châssis que le Classe G 320 CDI également à 6 roues, spécialement conçu pour l’armée australienne…, mais les ingénieurs Mercedes lui ont insufflé tout le luxe nécessaire pour convaincre (en priorité) les plus chiants et exigeants clients de Dubaï (le désert qui pourtant inspire quelques écrivains, n’est que du sable)…, après tout, c’est le marché parfait pour ce genre de bestiole…, mais les riches qui vivent ailleurs sont également salués avec bonheur s’ils en achètent un ou plusieurs exemplaires.
Le G 63 AMG 6×6 chouchoute quatre occupants à la fois, l’habitacle étant cossu comme pour les autres produits AMG : du cuir véritable, en passant par la fibre de carbone, sans oublier les 4 sièges enveloppants recouverts d’Alcantara.
Malgré son poids approximatif de plus de quatre tonnes, le 0-100 km/h est effectué en moins de 6 secondes, tandis que la vitesse maximale théorique de 260 km/h est limitée à 160 km/h à cause des pneumatiques spéciaux (À ce sujet, sachez que la pression des pneus peut être modifiée à partir de l’habitacle, question d’avoir la meilleure adhérence sur n’importe quelle surface).
Le G 63 AMG 6×6 envoie 40% du couple à l’essieu du milieu, tandis que les deux autres ont droit à 30% chacun.
Il y a cinq différentiels à glissement limité montés à bord qui peuvent envoyer, le cas échéant, jusqu’à 100% du couple à l’une ou l’autre des six roues…, quant au boîtier de transfert, il peut faire varier le ratio de 0.87 : 1 pour une conduite sur route à un mode hors route de 2.16 : 1.
Bref, le G 63 AMG 6×6 est capable d’explorer la planète entière, mais également de permettre à son conducteur de circuler sur un boulevard.
Évidemment, la consommation d’essence est à l’image du prix élitiste, mais outre ce détail, il faut applaudir Mercedes-Benz d’avoir concocté un véhicule aussi peu conventionnel dans le contexte actuel…, parce que c’est quand même l’un des plus extraordinaires engins de ces dernières années, mine de rien.
Je vous renvoie aux vidéos et photos pour les détails, en vous rappelant que ce bestiau nage dans les eaux pures de la perfection : c’est d’une laideur plastique proprement magnétique, que ça en devient beau et fascisant euhhhhhhhhhhh : fascinant.
J’espère que ma narration s’avère toute à la hauteur de son esthétique saisissante, en un récit au déroulé parfaitement limpide imprégné d’une opacité sous-jacente qui va certainement contribuer au malaise de certain(e)s…, mais qui ne fait qu’exprimer mes interrogations :
– Qu’y a-t-il en dehors de cette mystérieuse institution aux règles rigides et aux multiples interdits qu’est la vie ?
– Que se passe-t-il quand on grandit ?
– Quand on meurt ?
– Ou va-t-on ?
– Ou vais-je ?
– Que fais-je ?
– Dans quel état j’ère ?
– Quand est-ce qu’on mange ?
– Ou sont les toilettes ?
– Combien pour une bonne pipe ?
Répondre, est un risque narratif qui peut déboucher sur un développement filandreux, mais qui peut également s’avérer merveilleusement bien équilibré et structuré !
Je résume l’affaire : Le monde des constructeurs automobiles est un ensemble de fabriques de salopes !
Laissez-moi l’entière responsabilité de mes propos, qui attribuent aussi, implicitement, une perversité aux constructeurs (dans l’absolu ? mais encore ?), soulignant simplement que la présentation “Presse” des engins, est généralement l’exact inverse d’une pureté, d’une grâce… et d’une délicatesse, toutes apaisantes, lumineuses, apportant au monde hébété un souffle, une respiration merveilleuse.
Car, malgré les appréhensions et les craintes irrationnelles du public béat, les constructeurs ne développent pas des énigmes, mais des mystères : il n’y a pas de révélations, que de noirs desseins cachés dans un imaginaire fantasmé vendu en bonus, dans une opacité, une oppression, une impatience inquiète ou fébrile, face au temps qui passe…, face à leur propre devenir et aux mille et unes questions sans réponses que ces incertitudes nourrissent.
Dans cet univers, quid de la nature, de l’eau, du vent, de la faim dans le monde, du massacre des phoques, des baleines, des éléphants et rhinocéros ?
Fichtre !
1934/1936 Mercedes-Benz W31 type G4…

Voici l’intégralité du texte de la farde de presse (en anglais)…
Superior 6×6 all-wheel drive technology, AMG V8 biturbo power and looks that leave no room for any doubt: the Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6×6 near-series show vehicle is an off-roader which represents the last word in forward-thrusting power far from the beaten track. 400 kW (544 hp), a 6×6 drive, low-range ratio, five differential locks, portal axles, tyre pressure control system and a special chassis allow this pickup to make good progress in environments where the concept of individual mobility normally bites the dust as soon as the road ends. But anyone who imagines that this is a Dakar-Rally-style vehicle is on the wrong track. Thanks to the wealth of interior enhancements from the AMG stable, the occupants can enjoy the highest possible degree of comfort, even when negotiating the worst that the combined forces of topography and meteorology can throw at them. The exclusive touches even extend to the load area which is finished in solid bamboo.
The Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6×6 near-series show vehicle brings together the best of three worlds. The latest, revised G-Class series-production models lend the superior off-roader the effortless superiority and refinement of a vehicle which has dominated the off-road scene for 34 years. They are also the source of the up-to-date interior concept with the contemporary dashboard featuring impressive new instruments and a large, central colour display. Unreserved robustness as well as practicality and a can-do attitude to off-road driving are the traits inherited from the military and the commercial G-Class models. Finally, the renowned Mercedes-AMG luxury and performance division contributes the superior engine technology and the interior which is as luxurious as it is comfortable.
A look at the key data of the G63 AMG 6×6 makes it clear that this model’s off-road world begins at a point where anything less than a vehicle with caterpillar tracks would have to capitulate. Six driven wheels, an off-road low-range ratio in the transfer case, portal axles, five differential locks which can be engaged on the move and a tyre-pressure control system which allows the pressure in the huge 37-inch tyres to be adjusted in record time while the vehicle is running – all these are features which one seeks in vain in conventional cross-country vehicles. Together, they ensure that the G63 AMG 6×6 has driving dynamics which are more than a match for the toughest terrain. As a result, the show vehicle is able to storm up the highest sand dunes with ease while sand tracks hold no fears thanks to its unshakable directional stability. Rocky terrain is negotiated with all the agility of a mountain goat; fording a river becomes almost child’s play thanks to the impressive fording capability of one metre. And anyone exploring the on-road performance is certain to be impressed by the catapult-like acceleration of this 3.85-tonne pickup.
Despite its unique drive technology, the show vehicle does not actually represent a new development in terms of technology. After 34 years of G-Class production, there is such a large array of “G” parts to draw on that the G63 AMG 6×6 uses almost exclusively series-production components under the skin. A case in point is the drive train: the AMG V8 biturbo engine with 400 kW (544 hp) and 760 newton metres of torque, the AMG SPEEDSHIFT PLUS 7G-TRONIC automatic transmission paired with the front drive system from the G63 AMG and a rear twin drive train from the 6×6 version which has already proven its reliability in service with users such as the Australian army. Plus the ingenious portal axles, which also have military origins, here making their debut in a civilian vehicle.
The chassis is largely based on the current production configuration, the only difference being that the helical springs and dampers have been adjusted to take account of the changed characteristics of the three-axle model. For the springs, too, the engineers were able to draw on the comprehensive array of “G” parts, which includes no less than 15 different spring rates. While the front axle takes over the reinforced springs from an armoured special-protection variant, the first rear axle has been given a significantly harder spring rate and the second rear axle a softer one. This set-up, together with the rally-proven, adjustable gas-pressure shock absorbers, results in a perfect symbiosis of sporty dynamism and composed comfort, on or off the road.
Visually, the G63 AMG 6×6 pickup leaves no room for any doubt as to its true calling. The large tyres on the three axles, the huge ground clearance, the height of almost 2.30 metres and the width of some 2.10 metres as well as the clean-cut lines of the pickup immediately inspire respect. Like the G63 and G65 AMG models before it, the super off-roader with its 5.87-metre-long body has the characteristic AMG brand face with the “twin blade” radiator grille. Other visual highlights include the use of elegant carbon fibre for the integrated LED light strips above the windscreen as well as for the large flared wheel arches while the rear load area section has a distinctive stainless-steel roll-over bar. The load area, which is lined with particularly tough and durable bamboo, can be accessed by means of a tailboard.
Sporty luxury, the hallmark of AMG, is the defining characteristic of the interior. The G63 AMG 6×6 welcomes its occupants aboard with an exclusive ambience of classic red or light brown designo leather with contrasting topstitching and attractive diamond-pattern quilting. The four electrically adjustable individual seats are heated and ventilated. The rear compartment is equipped with a special centre console while the roof liner and pillars are finished in an Alcantara® covering.The rear panel is trimmed in leather.
The two G63 AMG 6×6 vehicles which have been built to date were developed with Mercedes-Benz at the helm. The Graz-based Mercedes-Benz G-Class development department is the centre of competence for all “G” projects and is responsible for development and series support of the legendary cross-country vehicle. Furthermore, Graz in Austria has been the production site for all civilian and commercial G-Class vehicles since 1979. The response to the near-series show vehicle will determine if and when the Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6×6 enters small-series production.
A look at the key data of the Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6×6 makes it clear that this model’s off-road world begins at a point where anything less than a vehicle with caterpillar tracks would have to capitulate. Six driven wheels, an off-road low-range ratio in the transfer case, portal axles and five differential locks which can be engaged on the move are features which one seeks in vain in conventional off-road vehicles. Together, they ensure that the G63 AMG 6×6 has driving dynamics which are more than a match for the toughest terrain. As a result, the show vehicle is able to storm up the highest sand dunes with ease while sand tracks hold no fears thanks to its unshakable directional stability. Rocky terrain is negotiated with all the agility of a mountain goat; fording a river becomes almost child’s play thanks to the impressive fording capability. And anyone exploring the on-road performance is certain to be impressed by the catapult-like acceleration of this 3.85-tonne pickup.
Despite its unique drive technology, the show vehicle does not actually represent a new development in terms of technology. After 34 years of G-Class production, there is such a large array of “G” parts to draw on that the G63 AMG 6×6 uses almost exclusively series-production components under the skin. A case in point is the drive train: the AMG V8 engine, the AMG SPEEDSHIFT PLUS 7G-TRONIC automatic transmission and the front drive system have been taken over from the G63 AMG while the transfer case with low-range ratio has been matched with a rear twin drive train from a 6×6 version which has already proven its reliability in service with users such as the Australian army.
Newly developed for a wide variety of applications, the portal axles which have been added to the Mercedes-Benz off-road portfolio are the real technical highlight of the show vehicle. Unlike conventional rigid axles, where the wheels are centred on the axis of the shaft, the wheels of the portal axle are significantly lower thanks to the portal gears on the axle heads. As a result, the ground clearance of the G63 AMG 6×6 is increased to 460 millimetres (series-production G-Class: 210 millimetres) and the fording depth – or maybe it would be more accurate to say diving depth – is increased to 1000 millimetres (series-production: 600 millimetres).
This design has further important benefits which do away with the need for elaborate adaptation measures. As the position of the axles relative to the chassis remains unchanged, so too do the suspension anchorage points, the steering connection and the position of the propshafts. Furthermore, the portal gear reduction ratio compensates for the huge rolling circumference of the 37-inch tyres so that the gear ratios, speedometer drive and ABS sensors also remain unchanged. An additional benefit of the reduction ratio applied by the portal gears is that the drive torque is only applied to the wheels themselves with the result that the mechanical loads on the drive train – especially the drive shafts – are reduced.
A technically sophisticated solution provides the 6×6 drive system with the necessary through-drive through the differential of the first rear axle to the rear one. The arrangement which has been developed is extremely compact and requires little more space than a conventional differential housing. An extra shaft with an integrated lock situated on the side above the differential takes the drive torque to the rear axle. A chain provides the necessary power take-off for the differential of the first rear axle.
With a total of five mechanical 100-percent differential locks available, drivers would certainly lose track of the settings now and again if they could be engaged separately. This is why the engineers have developed a special locking logic which ensures the best possible traction is available in every situation. The whole system is controlled electrically with the usual three differential lock switches in the centre console which are to be found in all G models.
Preselected and engaged locks are indicated by yellow and red lights respectively.
– Stage 1: the two inter-axle differential locks in the transfer case and in thethrough-drive through the centre differential are active
– Stage 2: the interwheel differential locks in the tworear axle differentials are additionally activated
– Stage 3: with the front axle differential locked, allfive differential locks are now active
All lock stages can be selected regardless of whether the low-range ratio in the transfer case is selected.
It is clear that, with a wheelbase of some 4.20 metres, the G63 AMG 6×6 is not predestined for virtuoso cornering. Nevertheless, in order to ensure impressive agility with corresponding dynamism about the vertical axis of the vehicle, the engineers have varied the torque distribution. The drive torque is therefore split 30 to 40 to 30 percent between the front axle and the two rear axles.
Much of the credit for the superior performance of the Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6×6 is due to the AMG V8 engine and the AMG SPEEDSHIFT PLUS 7G-TRONIC automatic transmission. The AMG 5.5-litre V8 biturbo engine develops a peak output of 400 kW (544 hp) and 760 newton metres of torque. Known in-house by the designation M 157, the engine impresses with its technological highlights. The greater thermodynamic efficiency which results from the combination of twin turbochargers, direct petrol injection and spray-guided combustion allows better fuel economy and leads to lower exhaust emissions. Fast and precise piezo-electric injectors spray the fuel into the combustion chambers, ensuring a particularly fine distribution throughout the air in the combustion chamber. An electric low-pressure pump delivers the fuel from the tank to a high-pressure pump in the engine compartment at a pressure of six bar. The fuel pressure in the high-pressure rail is controlled between 100 and 200 bar on a fully variable and demand-related basis, ensuring an agile response in any driving situation. Further highlights of the innovative and unique eight-cylinder powerplant from AMG in Affalterbach include an all-aluminium crankcase, four valves per cylinder with camshaft adjustment, air/water intercooling and alternator management.
Any doubts about the show vehicle’s ability to speak directly to the emotions are quickly dispelled by a look at the AMG sports exhaust system: twin tailpipes ahead of the rear wheels on both sides put out the hallmark AMG eight-cylinder sound.
Featuring three drive modes and an automatic double-declutching function for downshifting, the AMG SPEEDSHIFT PLUS 7G-TRONIC automatic transmission delivers the drive to the transfer case with low-range ratio by means of a propshaft. “Controlled Efficiency” (C) mode calls up engine and drive control strategies designed to deliver a driving style which is as economical as possible. In the Sport (S) and Manual (M) driving modes, the engine-transmission combination displays considerably greater agility. Here, a brief and exactly defined retardation of ignition and injection during upshifting at full load provides for shorter shift times. Furthermore, in “M” mode, the G63 AMG 6×6 maintains the gear selected by the driver to the extent that this is permitted by the engine rev limits – a particularly useful feature when negotiating challenging climbs.
The efficiency of the AMG SPEEDSHIFT PLUS 7G-TRONIC automatic transmission system is further enhanced with a new fuel economy converter with centrifugal pendulum, friction-reducing bearings and transmission oil thermal management.
It makes sense to provide an ample fuel supply for vehicles which are designed to be used in remote areas. This is why the standard production tank with a capacity of 96 litres has been complemented by a 63-litre auxiliary tank. The total tank capacity therefore amounts to 159 litres.
As already described, the chassis is largely based on the current production configuration, the only difference being that the helical springs and dampers have been adjusted to take account of the changed characteristics of the three-axle model. For the springs, too, the engineers were able to draw on the comprehensive array of “G” parts, which includes no less than 15 different spring rates. Both the front axle and the first rear axle have substantially harder springs from the special-protection variant while the second rear axle has a softer spring rate.
With all three rigid axles able to move independently, the Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6×6 has independent axle suspension rather than independent wheel suspension. The axles articulate independently of each other, thereby ensuring the best possible frictional connection with the ground at all times. Although the two rear axles are only 1100 millimetres apart (the overall wheelbase is 4220 millimetres), they are able to assume dramatically opposing articulation angles and so make effective use of every opportunity to gain traction, even in extremely rough terrain.
The adjustable and rally-proven gas-pressure shock absorbers are supplied by an external partner. Working in concert with the voluminous tyres, the chassis set-up impresses with its outstanding ride comfort combined with high driving dynamics and driving safety under all conditions, on and off the road.
If, despite all the driver’s efforts and the outstanding ground clearance, the chassis should accidentally come into contact with the ground, the developers have had the foresight to equip the vehicle with a robust, three-part underguard in stainless steel. This ensures that the most important assemblies at the front and rear as well as those in the underbody area between the front and rear axles are well protected from impacts and hefty knocks.
The design of the tyre pressure control system is in keeping with the high technical standard of the G63 AMG 6×6. A system that is a familiar feature of many trucks is being used in a passenger car for the first time. From inside the vehicle, it is possible for the driver to adjust the tyre pressure on the front axle and both rear axles independently at any time by means of switches on a special overhead console. Pressure gauges allow the pressures to be monitored. This means that the occupants are spared the usual laborious process of getting out and adjusting the pressures manually. Thanks to a powerful compressor and four 20-litre compressed air reservoirs fitted at the sides in the rear wheel arches, the tyre pressure can be adjusted in possibly world-record time. For example, although there are six voluminous tyres with a diameter of one metre each, it takes the system under 20 seconds to increase the sand-friendly tyre pressure of 0.5 bar to the 1.8 bar required for on-road use. Conventional systems take around ten minutes to achieve such a change in tyre pressure.
The design of the portal axles also has a very positive effect where the tyre pressure control system is concerned. Unlike the situation found where conventional rigid axles are fitted, the inner faces of the wheel hubs are exposed and the installation space is not blocked by the drive shaft. This means that the tyre pressure adjustment can be carried out directly by means of a central channel in the wheel hub. The wheels also have an air channel and are connected to the hub via a compressed air hose with a quick-release coupling to enable a wheel change, if necessary. A strong, bolted hub cover protects the hose connector from damage in off-road terrain.
With the usual wheel/tyre combinations it is impossible to reduce the tyre pressure to 0.5 bar for driving in sand. 1.0 bar is normally the lowest possible pressure, below which tyres may come off their rims during steering manoeuvres and sand can enter the sealing surface between tyre and rim, resulting in a slow puncture. There are no such problems with the G63 AMG 6×6 which is equipped with special, two-part 45.7 cm (18-inch) beadlock wheels. When a tyre is fitted to this type of wheel, it is clamped between the wheel (formed by the two halves of the rim) and an internal beadlock ring so securely that, even in the event of a complete loss of pressure, it cannot slip off the rim and sand cannot enter.
The extremely low tyre pressures increase the contact patches of the 37 x 12.5 x 18 inch all-terrain tyres and provide considerable support when it comes to making progress on loose surfaces. Two processes contribute to this.
– First, the increased contact patches reduce the ground pressure and thus the tendency of the tyres to sink or dig into the ground. A look at the figures brings this home: reducing the tyre pressure to 0.5 bar increases the contact patch threefold. As a result, the ground pressure of the G63 AMG 6×6 with a ready-to-drive kerb weight of 3850 kilograms is equal to that of the footprint of a person of average weight.
– Second, on muddy and similar surfaces offering better contact, the low tyre pressure supports the self-cleaning process which prevents clogging of the tread pattern and so ensures that the best possible traction is always available.
Visually, the Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6×6 leaves no room for any doubt as to its true calling. The large tyres on the three axles, the huge ground clearance, the inside height of almost 2.30 metres and the width of some 2.10 metres as well as the clean-cut lines of the pickup immediately inspire respect. Like the G63 AMG and G65 AMG models before it, the super off-roader with its 5.87-metre-long body has the characteristic AMG brand face: the “twin blade” radiator grille with its chrome-plated twin louvre and chrome-plated grille ensure that, like its series-production stablemates, the G63 AMG 6×6 is immediately identifiable as an AMG model. The design of the grille takes account of the classic G-Class form and fits into the overall look with its interpretation of the off-road character of the vehicle. The typical three large air intakes in the front AMG bumper allow the airflow to reach the cooling modules. Vertical stainless-steel inserts in high-gloss chrome underline the masculine look.
The side view shows that, up to the two rear doors, the body corresponds to the current production configuration of the four-wheel model. But that is as far as the common features go, as the side view also reveals the differences – from the significantly greater ride height to the carbon fibre of the integrated LED light strips above the windscreen to the flared wheel arches – also in carbon fibre – with the stainless-steel running boards. The series-production part of the body is extended harmoniously by a third side window and the pickup section with the stainless-steel roll-over bar as well as the rear, twin flared wheel arches in carbon fibre. The load area, which is lined with particularly tough and durable bamboo, can be accessed by means of a tailboard.
As well as featuring the series-production facelift measures, such as the new dashboard with the central colour screen, the G63 AMG 6×6 offers an AMG instrument cluster with a colour TFT screen, the AMG main menu and a separate gear indicator as well as AMG door sill panels illuminated in white at all doors. The high-quality E-SELECT lever with the embossed AMG emblem is familiar from vehicles such as the SLS AMG. An exclusive ambience is created by the designo leather appointments – in classic red or light brown – comprising not just the upholstery of the four individual seats, but also the entire lining of the front and rear doors. Contrasting topstitching and attractive diamond-pattern quilting provide the perfect complement to the appointments. Furthermore, the entire dashboard is finished in leather and also features the exclusive contrasting topstitching. AMG carbon fibre trim and the Alcantara® covering on the roof liner and pillars complete the luxurious and welcoming interior.The rear panel is trimmed in leather.
In addition to the full array of characteristic AMG luxury features from the Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6×6 and the comprehensive designo leather appointments with four individual seats, the show vehicle is provided with a package of exclusive extras. These include a set of special features for the rear of the occupant compartment: electrically adjustable, heated and ventilated individual seats, a separate centre console – also finished in designo leather with contrasting topstitching – and the Rear Seat Entertainment System with two colour screens on the back of the front head restraints. Diamond-pattern floor mats complete the line-up.